August was a busy month, lots of wheel spinning, and only now, at the end of the season is our work paying off.
I’ve been keeping my head down, perhaps a bit too much……
Went to the coast this weekend. We had hoped to meet up with some friends but couldn’t find room at the campground. Well, we actually did, but had a moderately hilarious exchange with a person in the campground. We decided to take off, and found a great little roadside camp spot.

The coast was Crrroowded! Hood to Coast this weekend, Hot coastal weather, and Surf! We had a wonderful time camping, went to Oswald, and Surfed, and Nathaniel played in the water………Good Tired Kids on the way home.
Another Major Accident on the way back this time. Sports Car Flipped in the West Bound Land…………no fun for the people who were returning from Hood River that weekend……..(The Driver was safe, BTW)

Took Nathaniel to Families in the park, good turnout…..

Ed Prideauxs’ home Caught fire the other day…..I saw him on the street, I think. I hope everything came out alright. The Place was in bad shape when I drove by. His Bradness was directing traffic, and he asked me to tell Jax that he was going to be late for a half hour………….Made Friday night a little touch and go.