We applied for the Governor's sustainability award, and lost....Bummer. It was the first time I got to roll out everything we do in a comprehensive manner, and it played pretty well. Our arguments are growing and being validated daily.
I'm surprised that I don't write or talk about it more, since it's almost everything we do.
Lise Yasui, one of Masuo's Grand Children came to town, and she brought along the last three remaining children of Masuo. It was a real Honor to meet Yuki and Shidzuyo and to see Homer again. Lise hosted a film that she did regarding Masuo. It was very powerful.
We had Dinner together....
And Lise hosted a panel of the Children with respect to the War Years.
It amazes me that we can have such powerful events in our little town....
Ben's been getting some pretty awesome press recently too. Mentions in Sports Illustrated, Sunset, and as one of the celebrated chefs in the Travel Oregon and Oregon Bounty Campaigns. Pretty awesome.
Well, here we go. Summer. The Kids are doing great, the home is looking great, everything is moving along..........