Yes, there is a Bette, but she's been gone for awhile, Her daughter, Gae, runs the show these days. Gaes' husband when he's not working construction, manages the cash register, and they have a crew of some of the best waitstaff anywhere. (Did I mention Eggs benedict with Turkey and avacado?)
It's so rare these days to find people who are working a career in the hospitality business. In America, we treat those who serve us so poorly. We pay them terribly, and we look down on them, and make what is a honorable job, serving people, being of service to people, into some menial task that can only garner minimum wage and some tips.
Ok so Bette', just real. Genuine.
This is Bev, guess how old she is? 60? 65? try 74. Waiting tables three days a week.
This is Sherri. Everyone things she's Gae's daughter. She isn't, and she's sick of people asking if she is or not, but she handles it pretty well. I've met alot of people with more "status" who can't handle what Sheri does in your average shift.
This is Gae- It's a terrible photo, I'll admit. Gae threatened to get back at me if I published this photo by "feeding my kid a whole plate of candy!"
This is Drea. She's new to the team, and a hell of a waitstaff person.
One more of Bev.......
More on Bette's later......