Johnson was (is) from Georgia, It think. He's got that great southern Lawyer thing going on, Accent, cherubic/bookish/boyish southern, under-the-oak-lets-have-a-whiskey-while-we-talk-about-the-war-and-daddy's-exploits kind of guy.
I mean really, honestly. I think he even wore a bow tie for a bit.
My favorite Johnson story (other than the one I'm going to relate now) Is when, during a Hurricane in the South, oh about 15 years ago, Johnson burst into my bar, and demanded to see the news. "Is it true?!" he shouted, way too loud for the bar......"did it hit Avery Island?! oh god I hope that's not true!"
Avery Island is the home of tabasco sauce, and our county prosecuting Attorney was deathly afraid of what a future without McIlhenny might bring.
What a relief when he found out they made th sauce in other parts of the country. "I was sweating it there for a moment...." he later said.......
Johnson left us for a bunch of years, but now he's back, and he and his new wife, are expecting a baby. He still makes the news every once in awhile........ Here's an excerpt from the current Hood River news.....
(Johnson has spent over a year trying to get this kid into court. The Kid has refused counsel and is trying to defend himself, and in the process has made a bunch of accusations questioning Johnson's professionalism.......After what appeared to be a listing of complaints, Johnson replied to the Jury......)
"....With God as my witness I say to you now, sue me, just sue me,” “I’d be happy to stand in front of a jury and answer every charge made by this gentleman.”
Gotta love that testimonial flair he's got.
Gooooo Johnson! Welcome Home.
Johnson, later that evening, having dinner at Abruzzo's
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