Saw Dave Gee restocking our OGS product at Rosauers. Oregon Growers and Shippers is going gangbusters. Last evening they were a presenter at the American Cheese Society. (It's a bigger deal than it sounds, I promise)
I went out to Utah for a couple of days to a wedding reception for a friend of ours. We got a chance to hang out with Jan's sorority sisters, who are all very accomplished in their own rights. Pretty amazing bunch, Gina, Shelly, Heather, Tracy, Kelly and Sarah. Some of us went to the same college, some others, but those ladies remain very close, and much like family.
Came back........
Went to see Art and Chris, two Dentist friends, who just opened up their new practice. Broke a filling, gave them some business, it was a real treat, honestly.......!
Right after that, went to Salem to talk about Community Scale Renewables. I'd like to say here, publically for the record, that American Government is pretty much Bought, Sold and Paid for. I'm being honest, and I don't want to demean the work being done by our representatives,(because I'm friends with many of them) but I was blown out by the whole process. I came away more convinced that we do nothing but make shorter and shorter term decisions in an effort to achieve quarterly results. It is, in my best estimation. Broken.
Community Scale Renewables is almost a birthright of any community in America today. It is the core of self-definition and self-determination. With the threat of this pseudo-right being taken away, we received a nice pat on the head, and comments that lead us to believe that there will be no ability for community scale power generation. It's a total embarassment.
And thus ends my Rant.
OK back to what really matters........
At Monday Nights Meeting, El Neffe came by promoting a fire levy for Cascade Locks. The commission will be placing the formation (and subsequent taxation district) on the Ballot for November in Cascade Locks. Jeff did a great job! All grown up n-stuff.
Oh was my Birthday this week too!
My Sisters flew in to suprise me, and so did my Dad. Jan planned it, and it was a nice, small scale event, with family. We had such a great time! I'll post more photos later, but here's my dad trying on an airpack at the Fire Station..........
The Leis that my sisters brought me........
And Julia.
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