After that great dinner, I had yet another great treat. Ron Kurahara joined me at my lunch buddy lunch meal on Tuesday. I’m the lunch Buddy for a young kid at Westside, and Ron’s son is in my Buddy’s class, so Ron joined us all for lunch. That’s Dakota sitting next to him. Good fun.
I traveled to Hawaii later that week to see my mom. Emma’s getting along. She’s in a 24 hour care facility now, and has had a recent spate of surgery, and other health issues. It is very sad, but I’m hopefull! She’s gaining weight by the day, and we had a nice visit.
Ate Dinner with Luana,
Ate Dinner with Ian and Noa
Breakfast with the Sisters, which included a trip to Char Hung Sut……..(See San Francisco Trip Post from May this year)
And………hung with the niece (Keolamau) and generally enjoyed the brief trip.
Let’s see……..Got home, and it was…………Halloween!
I broke down and bought a cool costume. More for me to watch his expression than it was for him. That stuff is cool. While I was in Hawaii, I got Julia a little outfit for the occasion as well.
We collected a TON of candy. (No thanks to Shane and Julie……Remember, Drum Set for your Kid you two……) and generally had another Hood River special evening with our friends, walking the downtown.
The Next Day, Nathaniel and I looked at all the candy, and decided that about half of it had to go. So we went to Ground, and handed out Candy. Fortunately, Doug Beveridge was there. B.e.v.e.r.i.d.g.e……..(It’s a funny story. We used to share an office and after about a year of listening him leave his name, I always make a joke of it. Imagine a year of hearing “….. Please tell him Doug Beveridge called…..yes, Doug…….B..E..V…..E..R...I...D.G.E. Yes, thank you.” After awhile we’d all just start laughing uncontrollably every time he started to leave a message.
Anyway. Nathaniel managed to give it all away…..
Weekend……Loaded up the kids, went to Powell’s bookstore in PDX, and no trip to Powells is complete without a slice of Rocco’s………Nathaniel got his mits on a Shonen Jump Magna, and now it’s all about Dragon Ball Z…….Asian Pulp!
The weather has been outrageous here this last week! 10 year type floods. On top of that, Nathaniel has the Chicken Pox! So…….My tour of duty was a couple of hours while Jan and Co. (The FCA Staff) worked on the FCA Branding material. We toured the oh so impressive flood stage Hood River. Half the town was out there!
Lots and lots of damage and drama!
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